Conditions that Affect Your Eyes
Did you know that your eyes can show signs of various health conditions, which can be extremely beneficial in successfully treating systemic diseases? While it may sound odd, you need to listen to your eyes. Adults over the age of sixty are more prone to diseases that affect their vision, making it all the more […]
Living with Type 2 Diabetes
Whether you’ve just learned you have diabetes or have had the condition for years, there’s always more to learn to help you better manage your diagnosis. In doing so, you’ll reduce your chance of developing the serious complications that accompany diabetes, including heart disease, dental disease, eye disorders, kidney disease, nerve damage, and lower leg […]
Life Beyond Managing Pain
Does shoveling snow this winter have your back screaming? Are you already dreading a painful gardening and farming season this spring? Life doesn’t have to be a series of cold compresses, heating pads, and medications. Why wait any longer – there is a pain solution closer to home than you may think. Southwest Health has […]
Frequently Un-Asked Questions
by The Pharmacy, Southwest Health Pharmacists answer a lot of questions during their workday. The role of a pharmacist is inherently available to the community to help provide clarity to consumers about anything related to their medications or care. While common questions like “when should I take this” or “what are the side effects of […]
Beyond Well-child Visits

by Kyle Quillin, DO, ENT, Southwest Health The importance of a well-child visit cannot be downplayed. They are often a parent’s first defense when protecting children against diseases like measles and whooping cough. This annual, or sometimes more frequent, visit can help create a baseline of care, track developmental milestones, and establish a relationship with […]
Establishing Your Primary Care Provider
by Laura Reilly, Director of Clinic Nursing and Quality, Southwest Health You should think of a primary care provider as the quarterback on your care team, and you’re the head coach. The quarterback calls the plays, coordinates with other key players, and holds most of the responsibility. You get to make the big decision of […]
ABCDEs of Skin Cancer

Sabrina Lisk LPN, Southwest Health You probably know to do monthly breast or testicular checks to feel if there are any new lumps and bumps. But, when did you last really take time to examine all your moles, spots, freckles, and overall skin texture? Everyone has different body marking, so it’s important to know what […]
Colonoscopy Age Change Recommendation
If you were born in 1977 or before, it might be time to schedule your colonoscopy. While people may be putting off this exam, a recent age recommendation change and the risk of developing colon cancer should be the motivators you need to finally schedule your colonoscopy. While it’s understandable that people put off scheduling […]
Know Your Numbers
Dr. Eugene Kaji Cardiologist, Southwest Health Instead of giving heart-shaped candies or cherry-filled chocolates to your loved ones this Valentine’s Day, gift them the peace of mind that your heart will keep you around for a long time to come. What’s the best way to ensure your heart is functioning properly? Know your numbers! No, […]
Covid-19 Winter Blues
Covid-19 Winter Blues Lacy Taylor Mental Health Therapist, Southwest Health It’s the second winter with Covid-19 still hanging around, putting a damper on the already rough Wisconsin winters. There was a hopeful feeling in the air this past summer with most people getting vaccinated, helping to relieve any stress and anxiety-related to the virus. But […]