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Listen To Your Eyes

Regular eye exams are an important part of your overall health care management. Comprehensive eye exams at The Eye Center include more than just determination of your eyeglass or contact lens prescription. During the examination, we are also checking how the eyes work together as a team, looking for warning signs of eye diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, as well as relating the eyes to your overall body’s health.

Who should have their eyes examined and how often?

The American Optometric Association recommends a baseline eye exam by 6 months of age, especially if there are concerns such as prematurity or family history of eye diseases such as retinoblastoma (cancer of the eye) or strabismus (lazy eye).

Every child should have their eyes examined before starting school around age 3-4 and then every 1-2 years thereafter. One in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem, simply because they do not recognize the symptoms.

Adults between 18-60 years old are recommended to have exams every 1-2 years. However, in those with diabetes, hypertension or family history of eye disease, as well as individuals who have had eye surgery or wear contact lenses, yearly exams are recommended.

After age 60 yearly exams are recommended as the risk for eye disease goes up significantly.

Call to Make an Appointment

Platteville Clinic Eye Center

Mon – Fri

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

1450 Eastside Road, Platteville, WI
(2nd Entrance)
(608) 342-2020

Darlington Clinic Eye Center

Mon – Fri

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

133 Performance Drive, Darlington, WI
(608) 776-4413

Lancaster Eye Center

Mon – Thurs

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

1509 Ihm Street, Lancaster, WI
(608) 723-2020

McGregor Plaza Eye Center

Mon – Wed & Fri

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

170 McGregor Plaza, Platteville, WI
(608) 348-2515


What are we looking for?

What happens after the exam?

At the conclusion of your exam, treatment options and follow up plans will be discussed. We value helping you understand your eye conditions fully and deciding on the best approach together. This may be as simple as getting updated glasses or returning for follow-up exams in a specific amount of time. However, if other treatment options are needed such as prescription eye drops, imaging of the eye, or referral to surgical care, we have the technology right here to best serve you.