Athletic Training

Athletic Training

We Share Your Passion

The way our Athletic Trainers see it, they only succeed when you’re performing at your best. At Southwest Health’s the Orthopedic Institute, the athletic trainers offer more than onsite medical care. The team of athletic trainers works out in the field with athletes, on a variety of sports, every day. Athletic Trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Southwest Health Athletic Trainers work alongside student athletes to seven area high schools to provide care.

Return to Sports Program

This program was developed by athletic trainers, physical therapists, sports performance trainers, and reviewed by Dr. Lindsey to assist with returning an athlete to full competition following ACL surgery. The program bridges the gap between completion of Physical Therapy and full return to sports competition. The program typically begins about 4-month post-surgery and can last 6-12 weeks. Athletes will be challenged to regain full functional strength, balance, explosiveness and confidence to return to their sport.

Call to Make an Appointment

Mon – Fri

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

1400 Eastside Road, Platteville, WI
(1st Entrance)
(608) 342-6210
