Save Your Vision Month is observed in March and serves as a reminder to take care of your vision. As life becomes more digital, the intense glare from screens, blue light, and other devices can cause immense strain on our eyes.
Your eyes are already sensitive to light. Throughout the month, we are encouraging people to schedule appointments with their opticians for vision exams and take precautions to protect their eyes. Save Your Vision Month is sponsored by the American Optometric Association. The observation aims to increase awareness about eye care and instill healthy eye habits. With the demanding nature of jobs and social lives requiring us to stare at screens, many people neglect to protect their eyes. Overexposure to screens and even the sun, not getting adequate sleep, and an unhealthy diet can contribute to eyestrain, which can lead to decreasing eyesight quality.
A recent survey found that the average American spends at least seven hours a day using electronic devices, and prolonged use over a period can damage our vision, disturb our sleep patterns, and affect our overall health. Having our eyes glued to our mobile screens, T.V. screens, or laptop screens has become second nature for most of us, and we take our sight for granted.
Interestingly, even though technology continues to advance, we have failed to cultivate good eye-care practices that are essential for everyone to follow at this point. Delaying eye checkups can worsen the situation. Just like regularly visiting the dentist is a must for all, so is getting regular eye checkups.
Save Your Vision Month can be a saving grace, promoting and campaigning for better eye health habits.
How to Observe Save Your Vision Awareness Month
1. Schedule an appointment. Visit your eye specialist and get eye examinations done. Follow the requirements for safeguarding your vision.
2. Improve your diet. A poor diet leads to poor vision in the long run. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and make sure that your body doesn’t have any deficiencies.
3. Avoid squinting. Many of us squint as a reflex, and it has become a habit. After getting your eyes checked, get the correct lenses for correcting your vision instead so you won’t have to squint when looking at objects.
If you have any questions about your eye health or are concerned about how a chronic condition may affect your vision, please do not hesitate to contact the Eye Center at Southwest Health at (608) 342-2020. Platteville has two convenient Eye Center locations, both at our hospital and McGregor Plaza, as well as two locations in Darlington and Lancaster, ready to serve you.