Pain Awareness Month

September marks the start of Pain Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about pain and its profound impact on the over 50 million Americans living with chronic pain. Education and understanding on pain types and relief techniques can better support those dealing with pain and promote successful pain management.

To address and manage pain appropriately, it’s important to recognize that it comes in various forms. Understanding the differences between these types of pain helps personalize treatments and improve individual outcomes:

Acute: Sudden pain, often sharp in quality. Usually, this pain is the result of an injury or illness and only lasts for a short period of time, resolving as the underlying issue heals.

Chronic: Pain lasting for weeks, months, or even years. The pain can be intermittent or continuous and often lasts after the initial cause has been treated.

Neuropathic: Pain from damage or malfunction of the nervous system. The pain sensation is often described as burning, shooting, or tingling.

Nociceptive: This pain is a result of damage to body tissue. It can be caused by injury or inflammation, and is usually described as aching, throbbing, or sharp.

Radicular: Pain that radiates along the path of a nerve due to compression or irritation.  

Pain is more than just the physical sensation, it can have a serious impact on a person’s well-being. The constant presence of pain can cause feelings of loneliness, frustration, and hopelessness, making everyday activities challenging or impossible.

Some people try to manage this pain on their own, but the issues that come along with chronic pain are serious and often life-altering. Because of this, it is imperative to seek medical care if you are experiencing chronic pain. Without the help of a medical professional, you risk stacking even more health problems on top of your ongoing pain. Unfortunately, there are several complications that can result from untreated chronic pain, including but not limited to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Worsening of existing chronic conditions

Early intervention and treatment is essential in preventing these complications and minimizing lingering pain. Although treatments like medications and physical therapy are often effective in reducing chronic pain, making small lifestyle changes can provide additional relief:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit alcohol use
  • Join a support group to connect with others who have similar conditions.

Although chronic pain and the health problems that often follow can seem overwhelming, turning to a healthcare professional can provide much needed relief from symptoms and protection from further complications. Pain specialists bring a wide variety of experience, skills, and knowledge to bear in helping you reduce or eliminate your pain.

Treating pain often requires knowing the history of the pain as well as its intensity, duration, and bodily structures involved in causing the pain. In Southwest Health’s Interventional Pain department, we understand that every patient is unique and will gain the most relief from a personalized, pain management plan. Our pain specialists are dedicated to using the full scope of medical science to provide personalized and effective treatments that can make a real difference in your life.

Two providers at Southwest Health’s Interventional Pain team can help patients address their concerns.

Joseph Burds, DNP, CRNA, has years of experience caring for patients as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. He uses his knowledge and skills to deliver compassionate, holistic care to Interventional Pain patients at Southwest Health. Joseph treats a variety of pain sources with the latest technology and tools to assist with pain management.

Martha Levy, DNP, ARNP, is an experienced and talented Nurse Practitioner dedicated to providing holistic care and advocating for her patients. As a Nurse Practitioner in Interventional Pain, Martha uses her critical thinking skills and professional expertise to assess and treat patients.

To make an appointment with the Interventional Pain team at Southwest Health, call 608.342.5060, today!

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