Pain “Down There”
There are a number of reasons why women experience pain or discomfort “down there.” Some of the reasons are common and harmless, others are ways of your body trying to tell you that there is something bigger going on. If you are suffering from uterine, abdominal, or vaginal pain then click on the resources below for answers to your common questions.
Understanding Menopause
Menopause is the natural change in ovarian function. One of the most obvious symptoms of the menopause is hot flashes. Women may also experience issues like irregular bleeding, changes in libido, questions about bone and heart health, and more. Below is a list of topics to answer your biggest questions.
Labor & Delivery
You’re considered “in labor” when contractions become regular and the cervix begins to dilate. Also, by definition, labor starts when the water bag breaks. It’s not always obvious when labor starts. Here are some tools to help you prepare for and manage your labor. Many are afraid to arrive at the hospital too early just […]