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Fighting Against the Flu

The weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and that only means one thing. Winter and flu season are right around the corner. To be prepared for the impending sickness that is bound to take over your household, there are a few different activities you can complete to be better prepared and stay healthy.

Vaccines for Seniors

Ensuring the well-being of our senior citizens is essential for promoting long and healthy lives. There are three different types of vaccines seniors should consider receiving to protect against respiratory illnesses, including flu, RSV, and coronavirus. Below is quick guide of the different vaccines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending and how Medicare can cover these shots.

Getting Ahead of Flu Season

The weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and that only means one thing. Winter and flu season are right around the corner. To be prepared for the impending sickness that is bound to take over your household, there are a few different activities you can complete to be better prepared and stay […]

Now’s the Time to Schedule Your Mammogram

Melissa Ebbinghouse, Lead Mammography Tech With Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is the time to schedule your mammogram. Breast cancer screening in southwest Wisconsin took a giant leap forward with the addition of revolutionary 3D digital mammography technology at Southwest Health. The 3D breast imaging system produces three-dimensional views of breast tissue. It helps doctors […]

Building Back Vaccine Confidence

There has been a lot of talk about vaccines, specifically, the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters. While it’s recommended for everyone over the age of five who can get the vaccine to do so, don’t lose focus on other vaccines that are essential to protect yourself and others around you. The disruption that the pandemic has […]

Establishing Your Primary Care Provider

by Laura Reilly, Director of Clinic Nursing and Quality, Southwest Health You should think of a primary care provider as the quarterback on your care team, and you’re the head coach. The quarterback calls the plays, coordinates with other key players, and holds most of the responsibility. You get to make the big decision of […]

ABCDEs of Skin Cancer

Sabrina Lisk LPN, Southwest Health You probably know to do monthly breast or testicular checks to feel if there are any new lumps and bumps. But, when did you last really take time to examine all your moles, spots, freckles, and overall skin texture? Everyone has different body marking, so it’s important to know what […]

Medication and Your Health

Taking your medications as prescribed by your primary care doctor and specialists is the best way for you to manage chronic conditions, ongoing pain and, get back to maintaining your current quality of life. By taking your medications as recommended, you are in control of your health. However when life gets busy, and your mind […]